Chinese Drywall Complaint Center Declares War On Banks Dumping Florida & Gulf State Toxic Chinese Drywall Foreclosures On Wall Street–Time’s Up

(Vocus/PRWEB) February 17, 2011

The Chinese Drywall Complaint Center is now formally accusing major US banks and major federal mortgage entities of reselling their toxic Chinese drywall foreclosures to unsuspecting new home buyers, and then securitizing the mortgage and selling it to Wall Street investors and/or pension funds, all with no disclosure. The group says, “note to US pension funds and Wall Street: we suspect you are already a major victim of major US banks or government owned mortgage operations selling you a securitized toxic Chinese drywall mortgage from Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Virginia and Southeast Texas, and here’s the problem—as soon as the new buyer finds out the home contains toxic Chinese drywall, it’s a foreclosure all over again–your asset is worth zero.” They say, “and what happened to any accountability from whoever is bundling these toxic mortgages, giving them a triple A rating, and passing them off to an unsuspecting investor or pension fund? After the 2008 US mortgage-economic meltdown we are not just going to sit and wait for President Obama or his administration to say or do something anymore. Time’s up.” http://ChineseDrywallComplaintCenter.Com

The Chinese Drywall Complaint Center says, “the imported Chinese drywall disaster actually gets worse, for Wall Street. We think within a month or two we will be able to prove that publicly traded homebuilders or their mortgage entities knew about the toxic Chinese drywall disaster as far back as 2005, and most forgot to say anything to the innocent consumer, Wall Street, or the pension funds, that really were all on the receiving end of a toxic mortgage.” They say, “further, while the US Centers for Disease Control passed last week on any sort of formal testing of the long term exposure health issues related to toxic Chinese drywall, we are saying if gasses being emitted in these toxic Chinese drywall homes are corrosive enough to eat through a copper air conditioning coil or turn electrical wires black, it can’t be very good for someone’s health.” They say, “we are tired of getting the consumer calls every day and not being able to actually help them. We are super tired of federal agencies like the Justice Department, the US EPA, and the US Consumer Products Safety Commission miserably failing US citizens and taxpayers. We still can’t figure out why President Obama has failed to mention this disaster one time in public—-but we can’t wait anymore. Time’s up.” http://ChineseDrywallComplaintCenter.Com

The Chinese Drywall Complaint Center says, “in scope we think the toxic Chinese drywall disaster involves more homes than were involved in Hurricane Katrina, Rita, Ike, and Ivan combined. We think there are toxic Chinese drywall homes in all 50 US states, and if anyone really wants to take a good look at what toxic Chinese drywall does to a home, visit our web site—this is everyone’s problem.” http://ChineseDrywallComplaintCenter.Com

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